*| JavaECS* # JavaECS Docs ### [View the Documentation](./docs/overview.md) ## *About Entity-Component-Systems* An Enity-Component-System comprises of four main parts 1. The [entity](./docs/entity/Entity.md) which is essentially just a unique ID *i.e. an integer value* 2. The [component](./docs/entity/Component.md) which is a `struct` (`class` in Java). Typically contains data, but can be empty (to be used as a flag for certain systems) or contain function definitions. 3. The [system](./docs/system/System.md) which defines two main functions: `init()` and `update()`. Systems define a filter that is used to maintain a current and relevant list of entities that the system will act on. 4. The [engine](./docs/Engine.md), which ties everything together. It exposes the functions that should be called, and methods for retrieving data correctly. The initialisation of everything required also takes place here ## About the implementation The JavaECS project is a Maven project targeting Java SE 1.8. It is released under the MIT licence. It is intended to be compiled and packed into a `.jar` and referenced and imported into a project. The Maven build script will produce a `javadoc` `.jar` with the library. ## Getting started with JavaECS Initialise the library like so: ``` java Engine gameEngine = new Engine(/* desired number of entities */); ``` Next, the known components should be added. Use the reflective component type: ``` java gameEngine.registerComponent(ExampleComponent.class); ``` Next, register the systems that are required. Each system must be constructed, and passed as a parameter to the Engine. - *If the system shall be invoked elsewhere, then you can petition the engine for the instance of the system.* ``` java ExampleSystem exampleSystem = new ExampleSystem(gameEngine); gameEngine.registerSystem(ExampleSystem.class, exampleSystem); ``` Next, create the entities that are needed as required. ``` java Entity newEntity = gameEngine.createEntity(); ``` Assign the components to the entity: ``` java gameEngine.addComponent(newEntity, ExampleComponent.class, new ExampleComponent()); ``` Be sure to call `init()` on each system, before the logical loop of the program ``` java exampleSystem.init(); ``` Finally, the engine is ready to enter the logical loop, e.g.: ``` java while (true){ exampleSystem.update(); } ``` * note systems are *not* required to perform their `update()` in the normal logical loop. * the update can also be performed at a factored rate. E.g. physics can be performed at a different rate to the renderer, in order to improve physics accuracy * when using your own implmentation of a system, you may leave `init()` empty. Therefore, it isn't necessary to call `init()` before the game loop. **However**, It is recommended that you call `init()` to maintain consistency with all systems in the engine. * Entities, components, and systems can be created at any time in the program lifecycle. * Entities can be destroyed. * Components and systems cannot be destroyed. * Be aware that component registrations are contained via [BitSet](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/BitSet.html). As the array is extended as bits are needed, note that the order of the set bits may impact performance with a large number of component types. ### Example: [App.java](/BrychanD/JavaECS-Examples/src/branch/master/demo1/src/main/java/nz/ac/massey/javaecs/examples/App.java#line=12-128)