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+# Component
+### Contents
+## About
+Components are raw data that gets associated with an entity.
+For an Object-Oriented language like Java, they are objects.
+Each component is an array of objects, containing the data that should be associated with the entity.
+E.g.: A position component is defined such as:
+``` java
+class position{
+ double x = 0.0;
+ double y = 0.0;
+As the component is simply an object, the associated data can be anything, including scripts:
+``` java
+class script{
+ String statement = "";
+ Function foo = () -> {
+ statement += "boo";
+ };
+Two different usages of this data can then be applied:
+1. System-less data usage - which stores data but does not have a system that interacts with it every frame
+2. System-based interaction - which utilises the current data (of one or more components) to check if certain conditions have been met.
+The `position` component might not have a `position_system`, but may be utilised by the `collision_system`, which may use `position.x` and `position.y` to determine the location of the entity.
+See [System](./system/system.md) for more information.
diff --git a/docs/entity/entity.md b/docs/entity/entity.md
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+# Entity
+### Contents
+## About
+An 'entity' is a unique ID.
+For most implementations, it makes sense to use a simple integer value - usually in a packed array (*reuses the most minimal value it can*)
+E.g.: The ID 101 would be the next selected value for a new entity.
+>100 | 101 | 102| 103| 104| ...|
+>used|unused|used|used| unused| ....
+**This ID represents a specific instance of a game object**
+e.g. character, vehicle, effect etc.
+___An entity contains no further data.___
+In order to be useful, its identifier must be registered to one or more [components](./component/component.md).
+## Usage
+*some specific usage info here*
+``` java
+void todo();
+## Notes
+* The only requirement for a Entity is that it has a unique ID. An [entity manager](./manager/entity_manager.md) could implement a more complex ID system such as using a packed array for only a small region of IDs, or using named IDs by use of a dictionary or ordered hash-map
+* The maximum number of entities is limited by the size of the container used to store it. E.g., for a 32-bit unsigned integer, there are ~4.3 billion ID's available. But keep in mind that such a large amount of IDs will take significant time for each system to consider.
diff --git a/docs/system/system.md b/docs/system/system.md
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+# System
+### Contents
+## About
+The system runs operations that must be performed on its assoiciated components.
+Typically, this is expected to be run every frame, though this is not a strict requirement.
+Examples of the `system` include the `health_system`; which reads the value of the entitie's `health` component and ensures h > 0.
+``` java
+void health_system(){
+ for (i = 0; i < registeredComponents.size(); i++){
+ if (registeredComponents[i].health <= 0){
+ registeredComponents[i].dead = true;
+ if (registeredComponents[i].isPlayer){
+ GameOver();
+ }
+ }
+ }