using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace IP_Camera_Cleanup { class Program { public enum ExitCodes { Success, InvalidArgument = -1, FailedRate = -2 } public static IEnumerable Exemptions; static bool silent = false; static void Main(string[] args) { string folderPath = ""; string fileTypeString = "*.mp4"; int daysOld = 30; if (args.Contains("\\f")) // Specify the folder path { int flagIndex = Array.IndexOf(args, "\\f"); if(flagIndex + 1 < args.Length) { folderPath = args[flagIndex + 1]; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid source folder parameter."); } } if (args.Where((s) => s == "\\s").Count() > 0) { // run in silent mode silent = true; } if (args.Contains("\\d")) // specify the age of the file in days { int flagIndex = Array.IndexOf(args, "\\d"); if (flagIndex + 1 < args.Length && !args[flagIndex +1].StartsWith("\\")) { daysOld = int.Parse(args[flagIndex + 1]); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid file age parameter."); } } if (args.Contains("\\t")) // specify the file type to search for { int flagIndex = Array.IndexOf(args, "\\t"); if (flagIndex + 1 < args.Length && !args[flagIndex + 1].StartsWith("\\") && args[flagIndex + 1].StartsWith("*.")) { fileTypeString = args[flagIndex + 1]; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid file type parameter."); } } //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Invalid option. Valid options are: \'\\f\' {folder path}"); // Console.WriteLine("Enter a folder path or press \'q\' to exit"); // folderPath = Console.ReadLine(); //} if (folderPath == "q") { Environment.ExitCode = (int)ExitCodes.InvalidArgument; } else if(folderPath != "") { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(".\\Exemptions.lst", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { byte[] exemptionsBytes = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(exemptionsBytes, 0, exemptionsBytes.Length); Console.WriteLine("Exemptions file Loaded"); Exemptions = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(exemptionsBytes, 0, exemptionsBytes.Length) .Replace("\r\n", "\n").Split('\n').Where(x => x != ""); } // Hard-coded exemptions, to prevent bad behaviour Exemptions = Exemptions.Concat(new List {"System Volume Information", "$RECYCLE.BIN", "C:\\Windows", "hiberfil.sys", "pagefile.sys", "swapfile.sys"}); foreach (var item in Exemptions) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Result result = DeleteAllFiles(folderPath, daysOld, fileTypeString); using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { eventLog.Source = "Application"; if (result.Percentage < 0.75f) // Exit with an error code if more than 25% of files failed { eventLog.WriteEntry(string.Format("File Cleanup failed to delete {0}% ({1}/{2}) files.", (int)((1f-result.Percentage)*100), result.Failed ,result.Count), EventLogEntryType.Warning); Environment.Exit((int)ExitCodes.FailedRate); } else { eventLog.WriteEntry(string.Format("File Cleanup successfully deleted {0}/{1} files ({2}%)",result.Count-result.Failed,result.Count,(int)(result.Percentage * 100)), EventLogEntryType.Information); Environment.Exit(0); } } } } static Result DeleteAllFiles(string folderPath, int daysOld, string fileTypeString) { // Cleaner option for enumerating files if (silent) { long count = 0; // Calling Count() on validFiles would force enumeration of all values. Light-weight method is to just record how many we've iterated through. We're in silent so logging the total files found can be retrospective long failiures = 0; var rootDirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(folderPath, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(x => Exemptions.All(e => !x.Contains(e))); foreach (var dir in rootDirs) { try { IEnumerable files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, fileTypeString, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(x => IsDateOlder(x, daysOld)); foreach (var file in files) { count++; try { File.Delete(file); } catch { failiures++; } } } catch (Exception e) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { eventLog.Source = "Application"; eventLog.WriteEntry("Failed to enumerate files: " + e, EventLogEntryType.Error, 2222, 1); } } } if (failiures == 0) { return new Result() { Count = count, Failed = 0, Percentage = 1f }; } else { return new Result() { Count = count, Failed = failiures, Percentage = 1 - failiures / (float)count }; } } else { // Old implementation is left here List validFiles = FindFiles(folderPath).Where((s) => IsDateOlder(s, daysOld)).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Deleting {0} files...", validFiles.Count()); int completeSize = validFiles.Count().ToString().Length; int position = 0; int failiures = 0; foreach (string file in validFiles) { int Cursor_y = Console.CursorTop; try { string line = new string(' ', completeSize - position.ToString().Length) + position; Console.Write(line); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Cursor_y); File.Delete(file); position++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not delete {0}: {1}", file, e); position++; failiures++; } } if (failiures == 0) { return new Result() { Count = validFiles.Count, Failed = failiures, Percentage = 1f }; } else { return new Result() { Count = validFiles.Count, Failed = failiures, Percentage = 0f}; } } } static List FindFiles(string FolderPath) { List currentFound = new List(); try { // Only enumerate files that aren't included in the exemptions currentFound.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(FolderPath, "*.mp4", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Where((s) => Exemptions.All((e) => !s.Contains(e))) .ToList()); foreach (string path in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(FolderPath).Where((s) => Exemptions.All((e) => !s.Contains(e)))) { currentFound.AddRange(FindFiles(path)); } } catch (Exception e) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { eventLog.Source = "Application"; eventLog.WriteEntry("Failed to enumerate files in " + FolderPath, EventLogEntryType.Error, 101, 1); } if (!silent) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } return currentFound; } static bool IsDateOlder(string fileName, int daysOld) { try { if (!Exemptions.Contains(fileName)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); return (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc) > new TimeSpan(daysOld, 0, 0, 0)); } } catch { } return false; } } class Result { public float Percentage { get; set; } public long Count { get; set; } public long Failed { get; set; } } }