473 lines
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473 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Data;
using System.Web.Helpers;
using System.Web.Razor.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Cloudfare_DNS_Updater
public class Program
static bool silent = false;
public static readonly string[] IPHelperURLS = new string[]
public enum StatusCode
static Task[] currentTasks;
static void Main(string[] args)
StatusCode status = StatusCode.Normal;
if (args.Contains("\\s"))
silent = true;
// Load the data to be used
object[] loadState = LoadData(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Credentials.dat");
status = (StatusCode)loadState[0];
if(status == StatusCode.Normal)
List<Authority> authorities = (List<Authority>)loadState[1];
foreach (Authority authority in authorities)
status = Task.Run(() => GetRequest(authority)).Result;
if(currentTasks != null && currentTasks.Length > 0)
static async Task<StatusCode> GetRequest(Authority authority)
StatusCode status = StatusCode.Normal;
string currentIp = "";
string localIp = "";
string type = "";
int ttl = 0;
bool proxiedstate = false;
using (HttpClient ipGrabber = new HttpClient())
bool validIp = false;
int domainInc = 0;
while (!validIp && domainInc < IPHelperURLS.Length)
HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await ipGrabber.GetAsync(IPHelperURLS[domainInc]);
if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string provided_ip = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
provided_ip = provided_ip.Trim();
IPAddress address = null;
if (IPAddress.TryParse(provided_ip, out address))
localIp = provided_ip;
validIp = true;
Console.WriteLine("Our IP: " + provided_ip);
if (localIp != "")
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", " Bearer " + authority.KeyTag.EvaluateAll());
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpCompletionOption httpCompletionOption = HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead;
// Get the current settings
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(Authority.cloudfare_api_url + "zones/" + authority.ZoneTag.EvaluateAll() + "/dns_records/" + authority.DnsTag.EvaluateAll(), httpCompletionOption, CancellationToken.None);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving IP data from the server");
string s = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
dynamic recieved_content = Json.Decode(s);
currentIp = recieved_content.result.content;
type = recieved_content.result.type;
ttl = recieved_content.result.ttl;
proxiedstate = recieved_content.result.proxied;
// Now check if the IP matches...
if (currentIp != localIp)
Console.WriteLine("IP {0} doesn't match our current IP {1}. Updating...", currentIp, localIp);
Dictionary<string, object> UpdateContent = new Dictionary<string, object>();
UpdateContent.Add("type", type);
UpdateContent.Add("name", authority.DomainTag.EvaluateAll());
UpdateContent.Add("content", localIp); // IP Field. Update this as necessary
UpdateContent.Add("ttl", ttl);
UpdateContent.Add("proxied", proxiedstate);
string updateContent = Json.Encode(UpdateContent);
byte[] putBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(updateContent);
HttpContent putContent = new ByteArrayContent(putBytes);
HttpResponseMessage putResponse = await httpClient.PutAsync(Authority.cloudfare_api_url + "zones/" + authority.ZoneTag.EvaluateAll() + "/dns_records/" + authority.DnsTag.EvaluateAll(), putContent);
if (!putResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
status = StatusCode.SetRecordFailiure;
status = StatusCode.IpUpdated;
Console.WriteLine("Got {0} updating IP to {1}", putResponse.StatusCode, localIp);
Console.WriteLine("DNS IP {0} matches our IP", currentIp);
status = StatusCode.GetRecordFailiure;
status = StatusCode.IpGetFailiure;
return status;
public static object[] LoadData(string filePath)
StatusCode status = StatusCode.Normal;
// Decode or encode
Console.WriteLine("Reading data...");
List<Authority> authorities = new List<Authority>(5);
using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath))
const string EndTag = "-###";
List<long[]> authoritySections = new List<long[]>(5);
long[] section = new long[] { 0, fileStream.Length };
string tag = "";
while(fileStream.Position < fileStream.Length)
char c = (char)fileStream.ReadByte();
if (tag == EndTag)
section[1] = fileStream.Position - EndTag.Length;
section = new long[] { fileStream.Position, fileStream.Length };
tag = "";
else if (c == EndTag[tag.Length])
tag += c;
tag = "";
foreach (long[] foundSection in authoritySections)
Authority authority = new Authority();
authority.ReadValues(fileStream, foundSection[0], foundSection[1]);
return new object[] { status, authorities };
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
if (silent)
// If the app is running in silent, we have no vector to supply new data, so throw the exception
throw e;
Console.WriteLine("File not found.");
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Domain: ");
string domain = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Authorisation Email Address: ");
string email = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Authorisation Key: ");
string key = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Zone ID: ");
string zone = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Dns ID: ");
string dns = Console.ReadLine();
// Schedule an update to the credentials file (runs asynchronously as it may encounter io errors)
if (currentTasks == null)
currentTasks = new Task[] { Task.Run(() => WriteFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Credentials.dat", new string[] { Authority.auth_domain_tag + " = " + domain, Authority.auth_email_tag + " = " + email, Authority.auth_key_tag + " = " + key, Authority.auth_zone_tag + " = " + zone, Authority.auth_dns_tag + " = " + dns })) };
currentTasks.Append(Task.Run(() => WriteFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Credentials.dat", new string[] { Authority.auth_domain_tag + " = " + domain, Authority.auth_email_tag + " = " + email, Authority.auth_key_tag + " = " + key, Authority.auth_zone_tag + " = " + zone, Authority.auth_dns_tag + " = " + dns })));
Authority authority = new Authority();
authority.DnsTag = authority.ReadBytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dns)), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dns).Length);
authority.DomainTag = authority.ReadBytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(domain)), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(domain).Length);
authority.EmailTag = authority.ReadBytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(email)), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(email).Length);
authority.KeyTag = authority.ReadBytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key).Length);
authority.ZoneTag = authority.ReadBytes(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zone)), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(zone).Length);
List<Authority> authorities = new List<Authority>(1);
return new object[] { status , authorities };
catch (Exception e)
status = StatusCode.FileWriteFailiure;
return new object[] { status };
public static void WriteFile(string path, string[] data)
bool success = false;
int attemptLimit = 5;
int attemptsCount = 0;
while (!success && attemptsCount < attemptLimit)
FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(path);
foreach (var line in data)
fileStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line + Environment.NewLine), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line + Environment.NewLine).Length);
success = true;
public class Authority : IDisposable
public const string auth_domain_tag = "X-AUTH-DOMAIN";
public const string auth_email_tag = "X-AUTH-EMAIL";
public const string auth_key_tag = "X-AUTH-KEY";
public const string auth_zone_tag = "X-AUTH-ZONE";
public const string auth_dns_tag = "X-AUTH-DNS";
public const string cloudfare_api_url = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/";
public ObfusctedBytes DomainTag { get; set; }
public ObfusctedBytes EmailTag { get; set; }
public ObfusctedBytes KeyTag { get; set; }
public ObfusctedBytes ZoneTag { get; set; }
public ObfusctedBytes DnsTag { get; set; }
public void Dispose()
if (DomainTag != null) DomainTag.Dispose();
if (EmailTag != null) EmailTag.Dispose();
if (KeyTag != null) KeyTag.Dispose();
if (ZoneTag != null) ZoneTag.Dispose();
if (DnsTag != null) DnsTag.Dispose();
public void ReadValues(Stream source, long start=-1, long end=-1)
if (start == -1) start = source.Position;
else source.Position = start;
if (end == -1) end = source.Length;
// Start by finding the constraints of our pairs
Dictionary<string, long[]> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, long[]>(5);
long[] constraints = new long[] {start, end};
long returnPos = -1;
bool findData = false;
string key = "";
while (source.Position < end)
int r = source.ReadByte();
while (r == ' ')
r = source.ReadByte();
findData = false;
long currentPos = source.Position;
source.Position = start;
for (int i = 0; i < currentPos; i++)
constraints[0] = source.Position;
else if(r == '=')
findData = true;
else if(r == '\r')
returnPos = source.Position;
else if(r == '\n')
constraints[1] = (returnPos > -1) ? returnPos : source.Position;
returnPos = -1;
keyValuePairs.Add(key, constraints);
constraints = new long[] {source.Position, end };
key = "";
// If this value would match
else if(auth_domain_tag.Contains(key + (char)r) ||
auth_dns_tag.Contains(key + (char)r) ||
auth_email_tag.Contains(key + (char)r) ||
auth_key_tag.Contains(key + (char)r) ||
auth_zone_tag.Contains(key + (char)r))
key += (char)r;
keyValuePairs.Add(key, constraints);
// Use the keys to create our objects
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
switch (item.Key)
case auth_domain_tag:
DomainTag = ReadBytes(source, item.Value[0], item.Value[1]);
case auth_dns_tag:
DnsTag = ReadBytes(source, item.Value[0], item.Value[1]);
case auth_email_tag:
EmailTag = ReadBytes(source, item.Value[0], item.Value[1]);
case auth_key_tag:
KeyTag = ReadBytes(source, item.Value[0], item.Value[1]);
case auth_zone_tag:
ZoneTag = ReadBytes(source, item.Value[0], item.Value[1]);
public ObfusctedBytes ReadBytes(Stream source, long start, long end)
source.Position = start-1;
ObfusctedBytes bytes = new ObfusctedBytes(source.ReadByte());
while (source.Position < end-1)
return bytes;
/// <summary>
/// An obfuscated byte helps mask the data in memory.<br />
/// Based on a linked-list, data should not be expected to be contiguous.<br />
/// Also includes simple bitwise motion to prevent passerby reading.
/// </summary>
public class ObfusctedBytes : IDisposable
ObfusctedBytes nextByte = null;
int position;
private readonly int mask = 0b_1110_0011;
byte[] values;
public ObfusctedBytes(int value, int position=0)
Random prngle = new Random();
this.position = position;
int byte1 = prngle.Next(0, 255); // start with a base number
byte1 &= mask; // Zero our target bits
byte1 |= ((value >> 5) << 2); // bitshift the value and mask it into the byte
int byte2 = prngle.Next(0, 255);
byte2 &= mask;
byte2 |= value & ~mask;
int byte3 = prngle.Next(0, 255);
byte3 &= mask;
byte3 |= (value & 0b_0000_0011) << 2;
values = new byte[] { (byte)byte1,(byte)byte2,(byte)byte3};
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates the current byte, from the provided data
/// </summary>
/// <returns>an int representing the original data</returns>
private int Evaluate()
int mask = 0b_1110_0011;
return (((values[0] & ~mask) << 3) | (values[1] & ~mask) | ((values[2] >> 2) & 0b_0000_0011));
public string EvaluateAll()
string result = string.Empty + (char)Evaluate();
ObfusctedBytes obfusctedBytes = this;
while(obfusctedBytes.nextByte != null)
int t = obfusctedBytes.nextByte.Evaluate();
result += (char)t;
obfusctedBytes = obfusctedBytes.nextByte;
return result;
public void LinkNext(int value)
int nextPosition = position;
ObfusctedBytes nextElement = this;
while (nextElement.nextByte != null)
nextElement = nextElement.nextByte;
ObfusctedBytes nextByte = new ObfusctedBytes(value, ++nextPosition);
nextElement.nextByte = nextByte;
public void Dispose()
if (nextByte != null)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
values[i] = 0;
values = null;
nextByte = null;